zaterdag 9 juli 2011

Help je broeders en zusters in Somalië

Horn of Africa Appeal

Page updated on 07/07/2011 11:13:50

10 million Muslims are suffering in the Horn of Africa amidst the worst drought seen in 60 years. Poverty has become extreme: children are dying of starvation, pregnancies are resulting in miscarriages and farmers’ livelihoods are being destroyed.

800 exhausted children from Somalia are entering refugee camps in neighbouring Kenya every day. In the past two weeks alone, 20,000 Muslims have crossed into Kenya. Here they are facing even more problems from the army and local government.

Many mothers along with their children say they have walked for a month on bare and bloodied feet. Journeys of more than 300 miles are common. In their search for food and water, they have slept for weeks on burning sand under open skies.

Water is now so scarce that the governor of the Middle Shabelle region, Abdullahi Moalim Hussain, recently said: ‘Water is so expensive in the area that people are being buried without being washed, which is compulsory in Islam.’

As civil strife escalates in Somalia and aid agencies flee the country, our brothers and sisters are facing a terrible situation.

Ummah Welfare Trust is increasing the scale of relief operations in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia but needs the generous support of its donors now more than ever. If we quench the thirst of our fellow brothers and sisters today, surely Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala will quench our thirst on the Day of Judgement.

Water Tanker Appeal

Sa'ad Ibn 'Ubadah Radyallahu ‘Anhu asked, ‘Apostle of Allah, what form of Sadaqah is the best?’ He Salallahu ‘alaihi wasallam replied, ‘Water.’ - Abu Dawood

UWT intends to buy a new water tanker to deliver potable water to 3 regions in Somalia: Bay, Bakool and Lower Shabelle. Each water distribution project covers a 6-month period during which 38,000 litres of water are distributed to 1000 families daily in each region. The estimated number of beneficiaries in every 6 month period will be in the region of 183,000 people.

The one-off purchase of the water tanker will cost £27,000. This vehicle will allow UWT to reach Muslims who have not drunk clean water for weeks and to provide clean water in the future as and when required.

Ummah Welfare Trust asks you to open your hearts and donate towards this vehicle.

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